As with schools, churches, and other organizations, activity at Pakachoag is on hold for the indefinite future. The Mighty Oaks Montessori School follows the calendar of Auburn Public Schools and like the school system, closed last week, again for an indefinite time. Carolyn, Colleen and I have been coming into the building on something of a reduced schedule to oversee what needs to be overseen, and generally monitor the status of the building, answer phone calls and emails, and whatever else has to be attended to (like the emergency air leak in our sprinkler system that happened yesterday that could not be left unaddressed).
Many churches are mounting virtual services and I have provided links to two of them below. One is the First Baptist Church in Worcester, on the corner of Park and Salisbury. The other is my home church, Beneficent Congregational, in Providence. You might find either these services meaningful, or obviously you can do an internet search for other leads.
In response to the email I sent out last week, one person mentioned to me that she always cooks extra food and should I know of anyone who needs a meal, please let her know and she would arrange for a delivery, so I pass that along fyi. Most of us at Pakachoag fortunately have a network of family and friends who will look out for us, but this is certainly a time to be mindful of a neighbor living alone or shut in and perhaps arranging for a periodic telephone call, or just soliciting contact information from them for relatives who may be out of the area and who should be notified in case of an emergency.
In the meanwhile, I encourage us all to look beyond the immediate, encouraged by the knowledge that collectively we are resilient, and fortified by the knowledge that immense numbers of skilled, motivated people are working with all due energy to pull us all through this.