Set aside some time for an afternoon of relaxation and self-reflection in anticipation of the coming of Spring.
An Introduction to SoulCollage®
A Single Green Sprouting Thing…
Sunday, April 23, 2017
12:00-4:00 pm
Hex Room at Pakachoag Church
203 Pakachoag Street, Auburn, MA 01501
$30 per person
Please register by Monday, April 17.
REGISTER or call the church office at 508-755-8718.
Workshop Description
Set aside an afternoon for fun as we await Spring. In a relaxed workshop setting we will gather images from magazines, cut and glue them onto stock, and make collage cards that reflect your individual self.
You will be presented with the basics of SoulCollage® including journaling with your card, and the four suits. This powerful method of self-exploration helps you access your intuitive knowing. It’s also a lot of fun! Come and bring a friend.
No art experience is necessary. All materials are supplied, and snacks, coffee and tea will be provided.
About the Instructor
Rhett is a self-taught artist who enjoys working pastels and has experimented with oils. She has had opportunity to take a few classes with artists Yue Mae Zhang and Jane Penfield in CT where she was a member of her local art association. Rhett’s interests range from portraiture to collage. Fascinated with the nexus of word and image, she has experimented with altered books and has written a few icons. Rhett enjoys facilitating expressive arts workshops and believes art is for everyone.